Integrating Webhooks with Ango Hub

Ango Hub can fire webhooks with a JSON of the label contents to a URL of your choice when, in a project of your choice, said label gets created or updated.

Setting Up Webhooks on Ango Hub

From your organization's Organization page, enter the Webhooks tab.

Click on the Add Webhook button. A dialog will appear.

  • URL: The URL Ango Hub will send a webhook to.

  • Project: The project to monitor for changes.

  • Trigger: When to send the webhook. Label Completed triggers only when an annotator clicks on Submit, while Label Updated triggers when an annotator clicks on Save.

  • Secret Key: The secret key you will integrate and check in your endpoint.

Click on OK to save and enable your webhook.

Now, whenever a label is completed, updated, or both (depending on your choice of trigger,) Ango Hub will send a POST request to the URL you provided with the contents of the created/updated label.

Sample Webhook Server

Here is a sample server set up to receive webhooks from Ango Hub.

import json

from flask import request, Flask
import hmac
import hashlib

secret = b'your_secret_key' # Secret Key you entered while adding the integration
app = Flask(__name__)

@app.route('/hook', methods=['POST'])  # Custom Endpoint
def hook():
    computed_signature =,, digestmod=hashlib.sha1).hexdigest()
    if request.headers["X-Hub-Signature"] != computed_signature:
        print("Error")  # Signature Mismatch means the webhook was triggered by a 3rd party.
        print(json.dumps(request.get_json(), indent=2))  # This is the actual label result
    return "ok"

if __name__ == '__main__':

As webhooks cannot be sent to a local address, you will need to expose your local address to a public endpoint.

Last updated