Exporting Annotations

Overview of exporting annotations from Ango Hub

Administrators and project managers can create and download an export of all annotations performed in a project on Ango Hub.

Getting your Export

Enter your project's Export tab. The Export button at the bottom will allow you to download your annotations.

You will receive a notification within Ango Hub when the export is ready. You may navigate away from the page while the export is being prepared.

Export Options

Export Format

You can download your export in the JSON, NDJSON, and YOLO formats.

If you need to download your export in more, different formats, we recommend you use our Export Converter Plugins.

We have developed the JSON export format to be as easy to parse and convert to other formats as possible. If you need your annotations in a format that is not supported by our plugins and you are a paid customer, contact us and we will provide you a script to convert our JSON export to the format of your choice.


Click on the checkboxes next to the desired fields to include them in the export. Details of each toggle are as follows:

Asset Toggles


Labeled at

Date and time in which the asset was labeled.

"labeledAt": "2021-12-08T12:31:36.043Z"

Reviewed at

Data and time in which the asset was reviewed.

"reviewedAt": "2021-12-08T15:31:36.043Z"


Status of the asset (To-Do, In Progress, Completed, Reviewed)

"status": "Labeled"

Label duration

How long it took to label the asset in milliseconds. Calculated from the moment the annotator opened the asset to the moment they clicked on Submit.

"labelDuration(ms)": 6429,


Consensus score of the asset, between 0 and 100.

"consensus": 90

Batch Name

Batch(es) the asset belongs to.

"batches": ["Batch 1", "Batch 2"]

Label Task Toggles


Completion info

Name and data of who completed the task.

"completedBy": "Labeler Name",
"completedAt": "2021-12-08T12:31:36.043Z"


How long it took to complete the task in milliseconds. Calculated from the moment the annotator opened the asset to the moment they clicked on Submit.

"duration(ms)": 6429

Skip info

Whether or not the task was skipped.

"isSkipped": false


Information about the task's review step, if it was reviewed, including its status, who reviewed it, when, and how long it took to review.

"review": {
  "status": "Fixed",
  "completedBy": "Reviewer Name",
  "completedAt": "2021-12-08T10:46:36.296Z",
  "duration(ms)": 36283


Status of the task (To-Do, In Progress, Completed, Reviewed)

"status": "Completed"

Update Info

If the task was updated after being labeled initially, information about who updated the task and when.

"updatedBy": "Labeler Name",
"updatedAt": "2021-12-08T18:32:38.908Z"


Whether the task was marked as benchmark, and if so, the consensus score between all annotators completing this benchmark.

"isBenchmark": false,
"benchmark": "60"


Data regarding issues opened on the task.

"issues": [
          "_id": "63db6ee989f9a600126e31ea",
          "status": "Open",
          "createdBy": {
            "_id": "614348d554e17400149964b1",
            "name": "Lorenzo Gravina"
          "updatedAt": "2023-02-02T08:06:01.072Z"

Annotation Metadata

Metadata regarding each individual annotation in the task.

"metadata": {
  "createdAt": "2023-02-02T08:06:03.263Z",
  "createdBy": "Lorenzo Gravina",
  "updatedAt": "2023-02-02T08:06:07.276Z",
  "updatedBy": "Lorenzo Gravina"

Mask URLs

URL to a PNG image containing a segmentation mask for the task, if the Segmentation tool was used.

"masks": [

Segmentation Points

Coordinates of each segmentation point. Warning: this adds significant size to the export and is disabled by default.

"segmentation": {
  "zones": [
      "region": [
      "holes": [

B-Box Image Content

PNG image content, in plain text, of the contents of each PDF area tool. Warning: this adds significant size to the export and is disabled by default.

"content": {
  "image": " / TRUNCATED / AAAANSUhEUgAAAH8AK5CYII="

By default, segmentation points are not included in the export. Ensure you toggle its checkbox to see your segmentations in the export.

When this is active, you will receive an email with a link to your export when it is ready.

Last updated