Ango Export to KITTI, COCO, YOLO Converter Plugins

The Ango Export Converter plugins are made, published, and officially supported by Ango AI, allowing you to download your annotations in formats not supported within Ango Hub's core functionality.

Plugin Functionality

Adding the plugin to your organization will allow you to download your annotations in a format other than the Ango Export Format.

Currently, we offer the following additional export formats through plugins:


  • YOLO

  • COCO

The only way to ensure you get all of the data created with Ango Hub is to download your export in the original Ango Export Format (JSON).

As other export formats were created by third parties and with different use cases in mind, they may not contain all data created within Ango Hub.

For example, the COCO and YOLO formats only support certain labeling tools, and only on images. Thus, non-image assets will not be exported, and data points created with labeling tools unsupported by YOLO/COCO will also not be exported.

Using the Export Converter Plugins

From the Plugin Directory, search for the the name of the converter plugin of your choice and install the plugin to your organization. More information on installing plugins can be found in the Installing Plugins page.

Currently, the names of our Export Converter plugins are the following:

  • [Ango] to [KITTI] Converter

  • [Ango] to [YOLO] Converter

  • [Ango] to [COCO] Converter


Navigate to the project where you'd like to get the export.

Enter the Settings tab, then the Plugins section.

Find the converter plugin of your choice, and click on Open. A dialog will appear:

Ensure the dot before the plugin's name is green. The dot indicates the plugin's status, where green signifies the plugin's code is running, and red signifies the plugin's code is not running.

You will not be able to run plugins the code of which isn't running.

If you wish to receive an email when the export is complete, toggle Send Email on.

You may vary a number of settings related to your export from the Config JSON field. Each option is detailed below:

Plugin Configuration

  • export_review_assets: set this to true to get the export of labeling tasks that have been reviewed.

  • export_labeled_assets: set this to true to get the export of labeling tasks that have been labeled. (e.g., by turning this off, you can choose to only get the export for tasks that have been reviewed, or by doing the opposite, only of tasks that have not.)

  • batch_names: enter a list of batch names here to only export assets belonging to the specified assets.

    • Example: "batch_names": ["my_batch_1", "my_batch_2"]

  • verbose: set this to true to turn on logging for the plugin. See here for more on how to see plugin logs.

  • verbose_frequency: the interval at which a log message will be sent.

    • For example, if you set this to 10, you will get a log message every time 10 assets are processed.

Click on Run to receive your export. You'll get a notification when it's ready. Clicking on the notification will start the download of your export.

Last updated