
Overview of the Table data labeling tool in Ango Hub

Project owners and managers can create tables to annotate assets on Ango Hub. Tables are perfect for creating a large number of relations between multiple labels, or for data input-type tasks.

The Table Annotation Tool in Ango Hub

How to Create a Table

To create a table, enter the Label Set section of the Settings tab.

Create a labeling tool that corresponds to a column in the table. For example, if you'd like to ask a single dropdown question in a column, create a single dropdown tool. After doing so, enable its Column Field toggle. Repeat until you have created all columns.

Only classification tools can be table columns.

If you would like the column content to be labels (objects) themselves, create an Object tool and turn on its Column Field toggle.

How to Fill a Table

In the labeling editor, click on the plus button to the left side of the table to create a new row.

Click on an empty cell in the new row. According to the labeling tool type you have chosen, you will be prompted to fill in the cell.

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